Thursday, February 18, 2010

Slowing Down

One of the most beautiful gifts of leaving the private practice of law has been the ability to slow down a bit. With the perspective that comes from having put distance between myself and that lifestyle (or that lifestyle as I was living it) I have been able to see how fast I can get in my daily routines, my conversations and my activities- never mind what happens to my thoughts- when I am stressed out. And, I believe I have been in good company with this pattern- most of the people I see these days are running from pillar to post and are losing their heads in the race (not to mention centeredness, grounding and alignment).

We have been socialized to believe that more is better in all realms and on all levels, and to that end we have been pushing, pushing, pushing ourselves to the breaking point. It is no wonder that we are seeing the highest levels of hypothyroidism in history- we’re burning ourselves out! And this is just the beginning. This constant push, constant racing around and constant striving for that next brass ring exhausts us physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. So, what do we do?

We slow down a bit. We take breaks. We honor our body’s needs. We start paying attention to that inner guidance (Psst! It’s in your heart, not your head!). We actively seek a lifestyle that will work to support us, to nourish and nurture us. We cast aside the belief that we need to measure up to someone else’s standards (standards we’re killing ourselves in order to meet), and we stand in our own power, our own alignment. We declare that we will take care of ourselves from now on, and that we are as important as all 500 of the other things on our to-do lists. We put ourselves first because, without us, there is no one checking off those to-do list items anyway. And finally, we re-evaluate our values, our goals and our direction in life. It’s time to take a closer look at the way we’re living, my friends. And I humbly invite you into that inquiry now.

Some questions for consideration:

1) What do I get from racing through my life? Why do I move so fast?
2) What am I missing when I move through life at the speed of light?
3) Where is the middle ground?

Enjoy your journey inward and feel free to drop me a note anytime with ideas, stories or questions, or if you would like some help along the way.

To Your Bliss,
