Saturday, June 6, 2009

Human Sustainability


Wow! Things sure have been busy here at CDB Personal Development Int'l!! I have been to Amsterdam, Boulder, Phoenix, California and Canada all in the last few months, and I am feeling like taking a little break. And, as it usually happens, this feeling leads me to a new post, a new blog, a new idea I want to share with you. Today, this idea is human sustainability.

If you take a quick glance at our world from the macrocosm right on down to the microcosm, you will likely notice a common theme of change, transformation, and even uncertainty. From the upheaval of our world markets to global warming, soil depletion and species extinction, there is a lot going on out there in the macrocosm that can be very unsettling (never mind that Pluto isn't even a planet anymore)! And when you look at the microcosm, there are the issues of personal finance and whether you can pay your mortgage in this economy, how you keep the kids active during the summer months, and whether you'll keep your current job, find a new one or perhaps even go after your (long awaited) dreams. Add in a lack of sleep one night or a missed call/meeting/appointment, and our stress levels can go through the roof! Given all of the different things we have to be concerned about, it's a wonder some days that we're functioning at all!

Which is why I am moved to discuss with you the idea of Human Sustainability. What is it that is going to sustain you through these uncertain and stressful times? What is going to nourish your spirit, support your body, nurture your heart? Well, I have three simple ideas for you to consider, that once implemented in your life, will help you move forward in a manner that is less stressed, more open, and certainly more sustainable. Here they are...

1. Know the difference between service and sacrifice.
Sounds simple, but many of us get this confused. Are you being of service, or are you sacrificing yourself? A simple way to determine whether you are in service or in sacrifice is how you feel when you're doing whatever it is you're doing. Are you grateful, and happy and do you feel full and empowered? Usually a good sign that you're being of service. Do you feel pissy and resentful and depleted? Pay attention, because you might be sacrificing yourself! Remember the following: Service is how I take care of you without losing me in the process.

2. Create a daily practice.
When you have a daily practice, a daily time for you to connect with yourself, you have the space to love, nurture and support yourself. Many of my clients feel they have no time for themselves, and it creates resentment, feelings of overwhelm and depletion, and stress. By taking some time every day for yourself, you are giving back to yourself, and thus filling that well of energy from which you always draw.

3. Pay attention to how you show up in the world.
Many times, we sabotage ourselves without even realizing it by the way we use language, the way we physically move through the world, and the way we latch onto a mood that may not be all that beneficial for us. By paying close attention to our language, our bodies, and our emotions, we can get a really good picture of what it is that is causing our suffering, and how to move through it to the success on the other side!

To Sustainability,


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